Welcome to Lawfully Speaking, a law publication founded in Westport, Connecticut.
Lawfully Speaking is an e-newspaper run by the Connecticut youth with a focus on law, its principles, and current advancements and news in the legal world. Our overarching goal is to spread awareness of recent achievements and developments in the judicial fields and explore passions for these topics. Through the combination of journalism and law, we hope to grant a voice to teens in order to vocalize their opinions, thoughts, and harbor a safe space for learning.
We keep our readers updated on current legal events, high-profile cases, and groundbreaking legislative changes, offering a comprehensive overview of the dynamic legal landscape. To keep our loyal readers hooked, we send out a monthly email featuring our most popular articles.
Our e-newspaper is entirely run by students who are passionate about law, journalism, and the intersection of the two. From writers to editors and photographers, each team member contributes their skills and dedication to ensuring the quality and relevance of the content.
We welcome contributions from young writers interested in legal journalism. If you have a passion for law and wish to share your insights, consider becoming a contributor. You can reach out to us via the contact form or through our social media.
Read our latest articles and connect with us on our social media to stay updated on our articles, events, and discussions. Your active participation helps us build a vibrant and educated community.